Tuesday, July 14, 2009


We learn that exotic species exist. They can be found even between the borders of a France, a Holland and ( would you believe it) a UK.

Or at least the remains of such ...

This all had me thinking about our existing exotic species-beings. Damn I began to think. I came up with :-

1. intellectual mind invited for a chat in the bar
2. sexy beast willing to keep his or her mouth shut in public
3. blogger good at spelling and with grandma
4. hunter-gatherer not on the pay roll of Mr Murdoch et al
5. decent pub in Dublin

OK I know that is only five. What do you expect on a Teas'day.


Merkin said...

What do you expect on a Teas'day.?


zola a social thing said...

Sorry to get you grumpy me ole Merkin.

Invite you one of my candle light suppers I will.

anticant said...

Oh dear, that would be like Hyacinth having Onslow round for dinner.

Bodwyn Wook said...

I'd send her along with a bucket (!) of beer!

anticant said...

A litre of single malt, more like.

Merkin said...

Only a litre?

anticant said...

Yes, only a litre. Zola runs a respectable establishment. A drunken Merkin would ruin his reputation for ever.

the burrow beadle said...

If Zola aspires - however belatedly - to run a respectable establishment, he undoubtedly needs the services of an experienced Beadle and for a modest fee I am at his disposal.

mrs malaprop said...

And I am a dab hand at organising high quality candle light suppers.

ben trovato said...

For a barman, you couldn't do better than yours truly.

I tell borderline-respectable jokes, too.

anticant said...

All of the above are supplied through Anticant's Agency.

Impeccable references from Burrow denizens including Dame Barbara and Miss Marple.

What more can you ask?

(We also havw the Crafty Chambermaid on our books, but her suitability would depend upon how respectable your candle light suppers are. She would not have been out of place here, for instance:


I hasten to add that we did NOT supply any of the staff for this event.

Bodwyn Wook said...

Sorry, Aunty, but I positively could NOT make the URL open up when I copied it to my browser?!??! Be that as it may, the phrasing in it reminds me of that estate agent in London who used to write such adverts. I sold a copy of /Brothel in Pimlico/, a collection of his stuff, some years ago and yet cannot manage to remember his name!

zola a social thing said...

Why is it that bloggers, especially of the wicked varity posting above, fail to keep a thread?

Methinks sex has somat to do with it.

freud and doctor ruth said...

Sex has something to do with everything.

the burrow shrink said...

Man goes to psychiatrist and says “Doc, please help me. I’ve got sex on the brain. I can’t stop thinking about it”.

Psychiatrist says “Let’s check this out. I’ll name some topics, and you tell me what is the first thought about them that comes into your head.”

“OK”, says the man.

The doc says: “Hot buttered toast.” “Sex”, the man replies.

Doc: “North Pole.” Man: “Sex.”

Doc: “Maiden Aunt.” Man: “Sex.”

Doc: “The Grand National.” Man: “Sex.”

The doc says “Yes, you’re right. You do have sex on the brain, don’t you?”

“But doctor,” the man replies, “You will keep using all those sexy words!”

Merkin said...

Heard it!

friend of Merkin said...

Seen it and nicked it.

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