Monday, October 13, 2008


As you know I do not work away from home very much. Some would say I have never worked much at all but that is not the point here.
But sometimes i am thrust into public workplaces a few times in the year and I have begun to notice something.

Fewer and fewer people whistle when they work.
This is sad.


anticant said...

Fewer and fewer people whistle when they are not working.

Anyway, what is there to whiatle about?

zola a social thing said...

Crumpet Anticant crumpets !

Anonymous said...

Does Zola want to go back to his Walt Disney Land?

Anonymous said...

Builders still do, don't they, when the hot-totty walk on by? And they don't have tight trousers. But not them Polish ones. Who would never leer at women. And who always tighten up their trousers. Good Catholics they be. Praise be to the Lord.

anticant said...

I've just had a scrumptious crumpet for tea, but not the sort you're thinking of, Zola.

zola a social thing said...

Now now you guys and gals keep to the subject.
We all know that to whistle is the mark of a virgin and a farter is not a virgin.
What has the whistle to do with this?
It is the lack of pure priestly-ness methinks.

Anonymous said...

Does Baron Mandelson whistle or fart?

anticant said...

Probably both. Most of us do.

Anonymous said...

Yes Anticant but most of us, unlike Baron Mandelson, cannot manage to do both things at once and for so long all at the same time.
However by all accounts he sometimes gets his ends mixed up as hit blows through his mouth like a speech from Maggi T.

anticant said...

I have never been able to discern the alleged political skills which others attribute to the Baron. He has always struck me as someone who scares others by throwing hissy fits.

His Grandpa, the thuggish Cockney Cheeky Chappie Herbert Morrison, was a much more formidable operator. You probably remember the lovely story that when someone remarked to Ernie Bevin that Morrison was his own worst enemy, Bevin growled "Not while I'm alive he aint!"

zola a social thing said...

Nice one Antiblue.

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