Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I aspire from my humble shire,
Something beginning with :-



Anonymous said...

Try a FOTO of sweaty Betty.
Fink you spell photo with an F up there in the north.

zola a social thing said...

Frolics to you too.

Merkin said...

Well, you could do a Cameron.

He said, something like, beginning with 'F'.

"You're Fired".

Anonymous said...

Fat cats. (This is not the time for retribution.)

No more fandsafety and human rights craziness.

Family values.


(From Braggadio's Tales from The Cameron Volume 1)

Merkin said...

Problem is that it is going to be as bad if not worse under Cameron and Gove.

What effin' choice do we have in all this?

Anonymous said...

I must fess up: at times, I find Gove quite tolerable. And who would you prefer a night in the pub with, if you had to, Merkin? Gove or Blears? Enuff said.

It's got to be worst, overall, for the Thatcher kid generation, spending all the eighties and nineties looking for hope, having to come back around to this lot. So jaded, they must be, and so so young (ish).

Still, on the upside, it makes for a big 'no' to ID, or so they say. And Nick Clegg gets to stay out of prison.

Merkin said...

Nothin' wrong with Lurkin.

I feel a blog coming upon me.

Merkin said...

'I find Gove quite tolerable. And who would you prefer a night in the pub with, if you had to, Merkin? Gove or Blears? Enuff said.'

Depends who was up for it, I suppose.

However, Gove does remind me of a number of 'smart' students at the 'after school' I sometimes went to.
No problems at all at punching him till my arm gets tired (and I used to be really strong).

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