Friday, November 21, 2008

Me dreams were so deep and real and memory became, itself, became as if alive. I had forgotten most of all that.
Me dreams, oh me dreams, from on-the-back and from laying, laying down, down to breather-breath-intake-mode as a zone, a different breath.
Whenever possible.
Feel the plastic.

One week in bed re-invents the present ghost.
One week in bed escapes the present ghosts that haunt... ...


Merkin said...

'One week in bed re-invents the present ghost'

Think I prefer One Night in Paris.

anticant said...

Sorry you've been ill, Zola. We've missed you. Hope you are better now.

Did you meet the ghostest with the mostest?

zola a social thing said...

Still gathering up and back me marbles.
After all that crap pumped into moi it begins to feel like a cold turkey christmas before closing time.

But hell I just strung a few words together and that is something that will shock a few of you lot !

Merkin said...

Shocked me, ya quainte.


Write it all down.

anticant said...

Take your medicine like a man, and then you'll be better enough to imbibe something more agreeable at Christmas.

Far too much illness all around me at present. My daily meditation get-well-vibe-beaming list is about a yard long.

But I have just finished stringing about 90,000 words together into my Memoirs, which should shock you lot as well.

Keep warm, keep resting, and keep smiling, dear Zola.

zola a social thing said...

Merky boy remains as an incentive to rebel and the Anticant just keeps on the pressure to do what you can do and doo-do-well.

Is this a kick up the arse?
Oh yes.
" I'm going to be back soon....back soon...".

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