Saturday, November 08, 2008

I, personally, at this moment in 24/7 time, absolutely and with all due respect, believe in Oxford. Our country needs quality and needs to refuse any university on the (it's a nightmare) Isle of Dogs. Oxford is needed to keep our language codes correct.
Oxford is fairly unique in this essential cultural anchoring fuction but, OK, it is not rocket science.


Anonymous said...

Since they allowed women into the mens' colleges, Oxford and Cambridge have gone to the dogs.

Tell that to Julie Bindel!

Merkin said...

Does she add value?

zola a social thing said...

Cannot stand Bindel she uses all the wrong words.
She is a woman without quality.

Anonymous said...

"Bet she studied Latin though."

Trust Bindle to study cunning linguistics.

Oh dear.

Why am I punning away with - what could be construed as - phobic overtones, when I so objected to them being employed recently on Peter Meddlesome?

Anticant: help....

Is Mangledson defensible, whilst it is hard to get behind Julie Bindle. Is that it?

I ask but I really don't care. For either. Thank you very.

anticant said...

Bindel's cunning linguistic stunts don't make her a stunning cunt.

Sadly, she is a loud-mouthed, opinionated bigot. Like a good many of the Wimmins' Sisterhood, gay or straight, who infest the Guardian with their old-fashioned 1970s anti-male sex war garbage.

zola a social thing said...

It has been obsreved in high circles that the language of Anticant has, over recent years, become suspect.

Without saying that Anticant is joining the dark underground it is however a point of deep concern.
Some have blamed this on his involvement with The Merkin.

anticant said...

Oh Gawd! Is the baleful eye of Hazel Blears upon me?

Merkin said...

You guys mave have seen this in the Graun at the time.
If not, enjoy.
I actually used this article for an advanced class when abroad.

zola a social thing said...

never associate much with "advanced classes".

Merkin said...

I was not a civilizing influence, but they had good fun and it kept them out of the bar.

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