Monday, October 05, 2009


It is because I am a doppel-ganger.

That is, setting aside, that I am also a decadent as well ordered as the very antithesis of that typical decadent itself.

In fact I have that instinct to be right and wise.


anticant said...

You may not be prepared, but are you being conditioned (or 'groomed' as the cant contemporary lingo hath it)?

zola a social thing said...

Have you never felt the power of my credentials?

I hang to the left you know.

Always suspicious about any BP

anticant said...

I would never dream of feeling your credentials. I don't think Mrs Zola would approve.

zola a social thing said...

Ah well it is the Tory week I guess.

anticant said...

After next summer it will be the Tory decade. So post-postmodern that is going to be.....

When Maggie was elected Tory leader, a 'wet' Heathite grandee - who quickly got turfed out - said to me: "It's going to be a bumpy ride. We'd better fasten our seat belts."

How right she was!

bwi said...

a 'wet' Heathite grandee

What was she wearing AC? I need to know what she was wearing, AC, before I can assess the validity of any female's views. Especially during conference season.

What shoes did she have on, this grandee of yours, AC? Sensible ones, leopard spotted ones? Please expand, thankyou very much please.

anticant said...

No names, no pack drill. But she was a very grand grandee.

Merkin said...

Did she wear one of these?

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