Thursday, October 18, 2007

It is Nobel Prize time again. Or it was. Say again.
Anyway Hermann Hesse remains, say again, Hermes Hessipressi remains as the hermeneutic joke.
No idea about that.
Just like to run or walk or ramble around and about. So simple.

But here it is :-
" Ever since I was a boy I have been in the habit of disappearing now and then, to restore myself by immersion in other worlds. My friends would look for me and after a time write me off as missing. When I finally returned ......... ....... "
Hermann Hesse wrote that way.

Damn it, this is a cost to society. True.ancy.dancy is not goooood.
Being - ( away) from school is expensive. Bunking off school costs!!!

Going fishing again soon......


Merkin said...

I think people looking at your Finnish blog may get the idea better.

zola a social thing said...

Do not confuse "me" with the "other" in this community.
Hello agin Mewrki : Can Scots do it agin without Leeds United?
Poland Poland that's the place Finns want to be.
Back to the bottle I guess.

Norwich is news this week.

I want to play again.
But, no entry.

Anonymous said...

If I understand aright, zola, you're having trouble finding me. The Pirate is in a home for cuddly old sea puppies. I'm now here. Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

Ooops! Let's try that again, shall we? Here.

anticant said...

When the celebrated American journalist Ambrose Bierce disappeared, ostensibly into Mexico, in 1913 and was never heard of again, the unsolved mystery of his fate overshadowed the attention merited by his fine body of work.

WE don't want that to happen with Our Zola - so when you next decide to bog off, or blog off, for a while please post a warning notice!

zola a social thing said...

Damn it and there was I thinking that Hermann Hesse had something to say concerning the educational system.

Must try harder.......... off in grumpy mood, kicking the cat and gasping for a smoke.

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