Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Six feet were found recently washed up on Canada's Pacific coast.
Rumour had it that the attached socks were from Marks and Sparks.

Now, in the south of Sweden, a shoe has been found washed up on the shore. There was a foot in it too.
The local Swedish police have refused to disclose the shoe manufacturer but admitted that it had an Italian look about it.
The United Nations has sent a statement to the press concerning this new wave of lost members. One paragraph was aimed clearly at respectable ladies and others of that bent. It said : " Ladies, when walking along the beach, are advised not to even look at condoms on the waterside. "


Merkin said...

Two bowler hats containing the severed heads of Building Society directors were also washed up - all the way from Bradford (and Bingley, must be said).

zola a social thing said...

Was it the Bears that did it?
Was it the Blairs?

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