Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Yeeha : The sun has just shown its face above the horizon. It is half an hour before mid-day. Yeeha.
Temperature at about minus 20 degrees C so not too bad there either.

Me wood fire burns well although the smoke from the chimney refuses to rise as it prefers to fall back down to earth which means it smells a bit.

Making today a wholesome Cottage Pie mixed heavily with cheese and onion. I also add a little Marmite into it all but this is a secret because me missus cannot stand Marmite when she knows it is there.

Perhaps I should have been a diplomat.


Anonymous said...

Ma might but Pa wouldn't.

zola a social thing said...

But they did me old, they did.
ello, ello ello.

anticant said...

And you were the result? They didn't know which side their bread was buttered on...

Enjoy the Cottage Pie. Sounds delicious.

zola a social thing said...

I know, I know Anticant....
I was an adopted kid.
I am no longer an adopted kid.
I am a father of four fantastic kids that play on and play on even when they get old in terms of ...........

Anticant I was a born as a bad mistake.

Why else would I still read Goethe?

anticant said...

No, Zola. You were not a bad mistake. You were a GOOD mistake.

It's no use blaming others for the messes they make of their sex lives - the kids they don't want to have, and the kids they want to have and can't.

I've known several adoptees, and if they were lucky enough to be wanted and loved - as I hope you were - they have frequently been better off and happier than they would have been with their natural parents.

Be thankful you are here, and have your own lovely family.

And always remember that "forgiveness is continuous, and does not depend upon our state of righteousness at the moment".

Merkin said...

I was a great Gerald Durrell fan as a youngster - in part that influenced my future 'careers' and I know a thng or two about persuasion from him.

He would always splash a little of the 'food' on to the animal fur and let the beast lick it off.

Needless to say, this has been very useful for me on a number of occasions.

Take the hint?

Merkin said...

Oooooooh, I came over all funny just remembering.

Anonymous said...

Smearing yourself all over with a mixture of creamy chocolate [and a dash of liqueur] is a first-class aphrodisiac.

Anonymous said...

No chocolate-smearing in the Burrow.

By Order

We stick to Cottage Pie here.

Anonymous said...

A sticky Cottage Pie works quite well too.

zola a social thing said...

I will be content with a nice bit of fish today - unless I change me mind.

Anonymous said...

They don't like it on 'em.

Anonymous said...

How about fishnet stockings?

zola a social thing said...

Oh how I dream of Aberdeen.

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