The unshaven and tired and bedraggled Zola has shown the true spirit of the British.
He has sent us this picture in the hope that you will all find strength and courage in these cold times.
Both wine and bread at confirmation were fake and this small site might just attract others that experienced the same. Critical voices? Those that participate? Who knows. For those that find sympathy with a walk on the wild sides of life, mountains, rivers or forests but do not pretend to escape. Other bits and pieces the news and also odds and sods that cry out "leave it off mate". Justly a lark and maybe the lark. But the lark will often land on the cactus.
What on earth is it? Two penguins engaging in sexual congress?
If that is a fig leaf in the middle then I would not boast about it.
That "fig leaf" is a Merkin jockstrap from the lowlands.
Just as soon as we get pointed in the right direction (NOT Switzerland!), we're for Leningrad, the Arctic and... Zola! Dr Eckner
That "fig leaf" is a Merkin jockstrap from the lowlands.Not guilty
There is an authoritative chife NOT of ferrets! Hopefully we've enough line in the Zep to fish Zola out of the...fish pond?
We fear that Bodwyn Wook has predicted all too well the need to "fish Zola out of the fish pond".
More news is coming in.
This should go a distance to raise the cultural sights around here:
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