Friday, April 27, 2007

An Idiot Returns Eternally

" He had been registered under the names of Jean Marie Mathieu Valot, but he was never called anything but Mademoiselle. He was the idiot of the district, but not one of those wretched ragged idiots who live on public charity."

Did Mr Hemingway really beat the shit of out this guy?

Guy de Maupassant remains standing up in the boxing ring.

Anyway what else is one to do when stuck in the bed with thoughts?

What are we all to do as idiots and ragged rascals in public?

Can I win the lottery this week?
If I can I promise to pay more taxes.
Trust me.


Anonymous said...

well I guess that one was a load of shit.
That was Hemingway.

zola a social thing said...

Fight them I will.
That was not me or anybody else.
Dammit Hemingway was Right!

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