Monday, April 23, 2007


Psycohologistists and manageniment-trainers are in the same pre-packed tin. Somebody said that once but I cannot remember that far back. Process, process, process has been a kind of "in" word ( never a reasonable concept) and that "in-word" has really found an entry into funding systems.

Why do processed things get funding?
A question that will not get funding!

I think it was the 1960s when processed peas became normal.
By the 1970s processed peas were the rage.
By 2007 processed peas were the "will-be-must-be-world" of Natural Morality.

I was going to say something more but I have already forgot it all.
History confuses me.

" Somebody help me there, somebody help me there ..... tell me where I went wrong....


anticant said...

It isn't history that's confusing - it's life.

This, and your previous post on training vs. education, ties in nicely with the current discussion on Ms Melancholy's blog about the government's plans to tackle national depression by throwing in a few thousand CBT "therapists" with only a few weeks' training. A quite appalling proposal!

As usual, the Bliaristas miss the obvious point that the best cure for natioal depression would be a new government that didn't include them.

zola a social thing said...

Ah Dunno
Off to bed I am.

zola a social thing said...

Hello again Anticant : I feel unable to respond to the famous Ms Melons as everytime I try to do this she gets into images of sexuality.
She is worried about me.
I ought not to build upon that.

However I see nothing wrong in a pair of Melons on the breakfast table do you?

anticant said...

She has crushes on people. Surely you can cope with that? Keep lavenderblue and Suzon on their toes, I say.

Anonymous said...

ok,I can do it on my toes..........

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