Tuesday, September 04, 2007

An ongoing investigation of the Harold Wilson files ( it was said that Wilson forbid the works or words of George Orwell to be "even thought about" ) has been, again, halted and this time the order comes from the "New Prezzi" Gawdy Brown. Before, the good reader will recall, it was both Thatcher and Blair that stopped this investigation as it was not, they claimed, in "the National Interest". ( it was only in the interests of those revolting peasants that run hospitals and trains and pay graduated pensions!!!). But the Harold Wilson files have been put back into that box and away from freedom of information.
However, it is rumoured that there are more middle class peasants revolting today and to publish the Harold Wilson "memos" would make a tidy buck as well as rock the boat of Blatcherism. One family member of the Wilson reproductive-circle has even said ( although un-printable as yet) that " Why should Thatcher and Blair take all the credit when my father was already there many years before?"
Also banned from public eyes is a quote from Edward Heath concerning the " lean to the right of a Wilson regime when our society should find the middle ground of a new Europe ...... and avoid the wars that will come along through the new Fascism that is slowly creeping into a debased Labour party..."


Merkin said...

Was that 'Harold Be They Name' - the Janus of the NuLab sixties.
With Pontius the Pilot as captain there was no problem.

zola a social thing said...

Yes it was me old.
BTW : THY name? Got it this time anyway.

zola a social thing said...

oopps missed it agin.
"They name" is good, very good.

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