Thursday, February 21, 2008

There is a season to turn and turn towards a kind of classical respect if only to avoid the inevitable boredom of false-freedoms and idle idolic play. It is, indeed, readers of this well respected blogsite that demand a spade be called a spade and evermore shall be so. With the good readers in mind I offer a little bit of an essay from my student days. It was an essay that I had wanted to write but could not. It was to form an impression on me. It was, as if, there was, at last, something to live up towards. ( it was as if a kind of rhetoric was essential in both politics and life ). The quote is :-

" In the shallow water along the beach, raindrops are splashing ; a cool and moist wind fusses in the damp trees, which glow leadenly like dead fish. The devil has spit in the soup......... "

The writer of this piece of beauty mixed with truth gave me something to touch when poetic discourse was out of fashion.
One day I will write a little something like that if i can.
One day.
Until then I must remain with a mere intent and a punkish-social and poetic rationality on the fault-lines.
Fuck me it could be worse!!!


Anonymous said...

Zola : We are deeply disappointed with your new twist and turn.
This sounds like popularism and spin.
Better that you support our Olympics and chastise the space age terrorists that are advertsing right now.
We thought you wanted to save the moon!

zola a social thing said...

Reply to Pingpongcharlie : I cannot comment on this without first asking the Google guys.
My arse is getting very thin in places.
Anyway I like to mix the metaphors.
So there.

Anonymous said...

Google his arse and see the moon saved and paved with good intentions.

anticant said...

"On the pale yellow sands
There's a pair of clasped hands
And an eyeball entangled in string
And a plate of raw meat
And a bicycle seat
And a THING that is scarcely a thing."

-Surrealist poem from the 1960s

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