Friday, December 26, 2008

IT will come as a shock to me regulars but "red" gets an ASBO today and me normally colourful displays are thought to be nasty and threatening to those poor sensitive souls of generation Z. But I am allowed to use "green".

BUT : Damn it all Harold Pinter must somehow continue. We have just lost, this Xmas, Adrian Mitchell. We have lost our beloved "Cat Women" and her old fashioned house. Damnit it is time to be red on the bed, beside the bed and sometimes under the bed. This may sound potty but that is the price you pay for such word-games that meddle.

It seems to me that the Bushy-Pussy-Blairy-Fairy-Broonie-Foonie lot have been lucky with their Xmas pressees this year.
For 2009 it is time for decent folk to get a few nice presents and gifts and create a few scenes that inspire. Bring on THE ANGRY YOUNG FOLK.

Or will you keep telling me lies so that I must smash the mirror to see what is JUST behind?


Anonymous said...

I was going to wish you a happy new year but it seems that you have already decided against that.

anticant said...

The great Eartha used to make my father - not the most sensuous of men - SIZZLE!

Wonder where she's left her old-fashioned millionaire? Was he Bernie Madoff by any chance?

anticant said...

I greatly fear there aren't any angry young folk left. They've all been dumbed down by ZanuLabour nannies.

zola a social thing said...

Well Anticant : Yer dad seems to me to be a sensible and sensuous soul.

As for the "new angry young men and women and all : you may get a shock there methinks. Many around right now and the "times" are ripe.

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