Friday, March 13, 2009

Suicide is a strange tradition.

However I would not want suicide to be institionalised !
Because suicide has little or nothing to do with personal freedom.


anticant said...

No, but it can be a legitimate personal choice.

Merkin said...

I will repeat what I have said elsewhere.

If my mother had wanted the blue pill when she was in such terrible pain, I would have turned the world upside down to find one for her.

I do understand the problems of allowing the Gov carte blanche to David Kellyize people, but, they do it anyway.

zola a social thing said...

Indeed I agree.

However to make an "institutional" set up here would be pure absurdity.

We must never bring in a law and order here whereby doctors and nurses are legally forced to kill people.

Some things are simple and rightly so. Those that work in hospitals work to save lives. That is a simple "institutional" code which is worth saving.

anticant said...

There is a world of difference between being forced to kill and helping people who are ready to die to do so with dignity and in as little pain as possible.

"Thou shalt not kill, but need not strive officiously to keep alive."

zola a social thing said...

Again agreed.
My point is somewhat different especially after speaking to a few doctoirs and nurses on the EU trend of "pulling the plug".
It seems to me that nodody in the HEALTH and LIFE-SAVING profession should be saddled with that killing responsibility.

This is evermore clear to me with continued privatisation of the so called health services. We know how even judges are bribed to send "deviants" to jail in privatised set ups.

I am not saying here that a person should be refused the right to die a happy death.

I am saying that any institutionalising of this death is plainly wrong.

Suicide is far too important to be left to official institutions.

anticant said...

Have you read Hume's "Essay on Suicide"?

One partial solution to the professwional ethical dilemma is to make a Living Will, which I and my partner have both done.

zola a social thing said...

Is there an opt-out clause in that living will?

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