Monday, May 11, 2009


It seems to me, especially after my recent visits to the so called United Kingdom, that grumpy old farts may actually be fit for purpose.

Perhaps the "old grumpy bumpkins" can take the place of that lost teenager surge to change. It seems certain that the young grumpy types are not really making much of a difference. ( Irony intended )

FUCK that dummy I wanna breath and yell and rant.


anticant said...

Why don't you go a step further and clock in for the "rebirthing therapy" which was fashionable a while back.

That way, you can rant and rage and scream all you want without even wearing nappies.

zola a social thing said...

" rebirthing therapy" ?

This may have been fashionable for some but I could not possibly comment.

Oh the Nappies they are a'changin...

merkin said...


Who gives a shit when, at the final moment, you are in rapture on your sparkly black toilet seat?

zola a social thing said...

I would have you all know that Zola has a pink toilet seat and it is quite normal to miss the hole and therefore piss all over the place.

Just what this has to do with my good post I do not know but there we have and there it is.

anticant said...

Doesn't your pink toilet seat have a hinge so you can lift it up instead of peeing all over it?

We know your aim is sometimes a bit off beam, but this is really too much.

I'm glad I'm not Mrs Zola because I expect that being a sexist pig you don't mop up after yourself.

There - have a good yell and rant about that.

viewers' and listeners' association said...

There is to much moral and sanitary pollution on this blog (or should we say bog?)

Pull your socks up, Zola!

zola a social thing said...

Just to inform the normal reader :-

Me Ms Mopp is always there to well balance out the political aspects of life itself.

I am not sure, at all, just what you all keep getting uptight-about.

mrs malaprop said...

Can I do you now, Sir?

The Burrow Beadle said...

No doings in the Burrow or at Chez Zola.

By Order

zola a social thing said...

Take care Beadle.
Me medicine has been halved due to this damned crisis and if I go down I will take a few with me.

I must even pay to have me own swimming pool sanitised. What next?

Bodwyn Wook said...

Zola, my old, is YOUR constituency too being flogged (again) to the highest bidder?

dame barbara de carteblanche said...

My moat is choked up with duckweed. Until it has been cleaned at public expense I am unable to perform my essential duties as chronicler of the virginal antics of the 1920s Bright Young Things.

Send that muckspreader Prescott round to the Burrow at once!

The Burrow Beadle said...

No mucking about in the Burrow.

By Order

gorbals mick said...

I call the House to ordure.

polly twaddle said...

Dearie me! I used to think the Great Gordo was an economic genius but I've just realised he doesn't add up.

zola a social thing said...

Conclusion from above?
As Jacquess Derrida predicted so well the UK has lost all sense of deference.

All that is left is a badly managed nihilism.

Shame on ya'll

anticant said...

How can you manage nihilism? I would have thought that, by definition, nihilism is unmanageable.

Of course things may be different Chez Zola.

zola a social thing said...

At last me good Anticant you are learning.
This time you did not rant and rave against the postmodern wisdom !

Bodwyn Wook said...

Ces sont fous, ces apres modernes!

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