Friday, June 08, 2007

Due to the eternal return(s) and the curses of my class I was writing things for money. This Zapp was Yuked and ducked again . The only good thing about it all was the uni-lot did damned good work and the administration must think again. No there was another little goodie too. Some complaints came to a newspaper saying that my work was not objective. Oh yes and I get paid.

A few things got edited out from my polite texts for public consumption however. One was the : "the students need to be given time to study critical alternatives".

Another was ( concerning the G8 and Bush-Bliar performance as of Thursday - to be printed on Friday) was this : " The "Decline and Fall", as witnessed by the likes of Evelyn Waugh, related to this G8 fate - a suicide gate to Orwellian heaven - was all to do with poor old Pennyfeather who went "WITHOUT TROUSERS" and got caught. And when our Pennyfeather became a teacher he looked at his room at the college where there was : " Over the chimneypiece a green baize notice-board covered with lists..."

1 comment:

Merkin said...

Don't be such a miserable bastard.
Cheer yourself up with a coupla tales from darkest I-ta-lee courtesy of the newly carbon neutral Merkin.
PS it's about time you updated your can't miss bloglist - the new era has dawned.
Hermann Hesse is reborn as Abraxas.

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