Thursday, September 20, 2007

EU - AFRICA and Gawde-Brown Arse
It would be a good thing if the UK Brown-Arse did not attend the meeting.
If the UK wants to send a "lower-ranked" official OK but you cannot get much lower than the UK right now.
Who can sink down lower than a Brown-Arse?
Sori to be so crude.
But the Great Britain image must be kept clean.......


Anonymous said...

"Who can sink down lower than a Brown-Arse?"


Sorry for a dose of moral absolutism, Zola. Unfashionable it might be. But it does need saying.

Anonymous said...

He won't meet Mugabe but he fraternises with Bush. He must be joking! [If only.....]

Merkin said...

'Who can sink down lower than a Brown-Arse?'

In my youth, I had a Dachshund, one time.

zola a social thing said...

Zola is with the Daily Mail on this one.
Over 90% agree that Brooni-boy is right not to attend.
Zola agrees.
Not for the same reasons however.

Great Britain has caused more suffering to others than it dare admit even when facts are on the table.
I do not believe in the moral high ground of Brooni-boy types.

anticant said...

Suffering is OK as long as it's others who suffer and not the perpetrators, who view it as no more 'real' than what they see on their TV screens.

I constantly remember the lady in Sarajevo who turned on her TV and said "my goodness, look what's going on just down the road." The next week it was happening in her street.

No-one is immune.

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