Monday, December 17, 2007

This week marks Queen Lizzi overtaking Queen Victoria as the the longest serving and duty bound employee of the British Empire and England.
Only George 3rd ( if my HIS-story is correct) has served the public longer but he does not count as he is considered a bit too mad to have a vote.
Maggi Thatcher is not amused.


Anonymous said...

Zola : I would have you know that George 3rd was, at that time, the big patron of both arts and sciences. He also was a mover for agricultural efficiency.
He also saw England through and away from the terrible French Revolution things and towards a Great Britain as an Empire builder.
You really must learn your history.

Anonymous said...

Who or what is George 3rd?
As a university graduate myself I have no hesitation to ask.

zola a social thing said...

This serious post is becoming a blog and I can only say that you are all, all too clearly, testing out the eco opium from the Charlie factory. All ready for next Christmas it is said.

Back to my study to contemplate.

trousers said...

Has Maggie Thatcher ever been seen in the same room as Tony Blair? Sometimes I think David Icke is onto something.

Merkin said...

David Icke is a professional nutter with a particular job - much like Davis Shayler.
His job is to discredit the various 'truth movements' by conflating 'absolute rubbish' together with a 'grain of truth' with the intention of discrediting the lot.
This allows 'people' to say........
If you believe blah blah you MUST also believe blah blah blah.

eg if you believe 7/7 was an inside job you must also believe in Icke's lizards etc.

As usual, Stef has a good article on this today 'My Messiah is better than yours' about Icke.

Anonymous said...

"His job is to discredit the various 'truth movements' by conflating 'absolute rubbish' together with a 'grain of truth' with the intention of discrediting the lot."

This conspiracy stuff gets really reflexive, dunnit. My head hurts.

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