Thursday, December 20, 2007

I am in the middle or sorting out a few historical things concerning past work and a forthcoming public lecture.
One of the things I have now remembered, from the 1990s, is the rather cold hearted and even nasty responses that came my way after I wrote a firm critique of the following piece of writing from one Doctor in the USA and I quote it below and here :-
" Ninety to ninety-five percent of all people who lose their jobs do so because of a lack of interpersonal skills. Out of the top five qualities employers value most highly, three of them are directly related to interpersonal effectiveness. Skills of such importance should not be left to only genetics or chance. "
OK I critiqued this piece of Phd level writing rather firmly. I did not even try to suffer fools gladly.
But why, for being critical, did I get called a radical troublemaker by so many professionals?
I still think that Doctor is a raving idiot.


Merkin said...

'Ninety to ninety-five percent of all people who lose their jobs do so because of a lack of interpersonal skills.'
Was this an assertion or was it linked in some way to research?

The latter seems unlikely and it wouldn't even take Econimics 101 to show that the former is bullshit.

zola a social thing said...

1. It was an assertion to back up empirical research which asked only the few questions so that only a few so called answers were made possible.
2. It was also used as an advertising quote for one US University.
3. I guess it just depends upon which course a student takes?
4. It was a certain Dr.C.Bunting.
5. In "academic" places I have cited the lot university and all but here I just do not need the hassle.

Thanks Merki for taking this seriously.
It is damned serious.

Merkin said...

Well I would just ask the good Doctor to try telling any ex-employee of Ravenscraig or Chrysler or Caterpillar or whoever that interpersonal skills were a major factor in any of it.
Or, for a more up-to-date example, are the employees of Northern Wreck gonna have to bite the bullet because they didn't know how to smile properly?.

Amongst many other things, I had to teach interpersonal skills as part of a previous job and would have no probs in debating with him academically, but feel that would dignify his assertion.

Anonymous said...

*If* being PM can be classed as a job, it holds for Thatcher perhaps, but not for Major, and certainly not for Blair. But the claim would seem plausible for Brown in the future. 50% then, at best, in my reckoning. Completely ignores non-personal aspects of work, task/job efficiency. Funny this should be an academic claim, given the social ineptitude of most of them, too long in the library etc.

IT people? If they fix my computer, and iron out my troubles with ease, then I'll happily put up with any of their social foibles and unpolished emails (emoticons included).

trousers said...

I don't know just how harsh your words were, zola, but they certainly merit firm criticism. It also sounds like another example of the dice being loaded in favour of those higher up in the hierarchical structures - nothing new there of course, but first impressions upon reading this do bring that to mind.

zola a social thing said...

The respect I have for some doctor level/profs remains as always. I have nothing but gratitude for many.
However I feel, today and in the main, that a vast majority of these elite careerists are not worth very much respect at all.
I do not say this with pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Oh and I think my comment came out wrong though I think you got the point: the first sentence should read "I don't know just how harsh your words were, zola, but the Doctor's words certainly merit firm criticism" - otherwise it looks like I'm criticising you which isn't the case at all!

zola a social thing said...

Trousers : criticism from you is ok and I would be happy with both readings of your text.
Bring Trousers on I say me matey.
Damn it I will drink to that I think right now.

Merkin said...

I used to be a member of BACMS* and am still wondering what the average miner would say to your good Doctor.

* British Assoc of Colliery Managers

zola a social thing said...

May we ask a southern man Raymond Williams?
Or may we sing in North Wales?

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