A BICYCLE? In Lapland?
Woke up this morning, a song in my head
looked out the window
Went straight back to bed.
Anyway ways the best photo caption wordy-wordy-thing will get a free bicycle holiday in a Winter Lapland Land.
So come on you lot give us an artistic caption or photo text.
Scottish tourists find exotic lapland just a little too much to handle.
Merkin arrived late at night
He wished he had had
A bicycle light.
What no seat?
It was an EU free-wheeler?
Who else?
Commisioneeer MangleBum methinks.
A Bliarite.
Local postman holds world dandruff record.
Looks like a ballfreezing ride!
"As UK economy flounders, Lord Tebbit of Chingford tries out lumberjacking."
But IMHO, Trousers's caption is head and shoulders above the rest.
Trousers must get the vote here.
So me kegs : you are invited to visit lapland and test out this erotic machine for yourself.
Just think of it as an experience.
I protest.
Anticant was the best in the test.
Frozen Ride = Frigid Woman
Honoured I am! Do I get a Finnish ASBO as well?
Sillyness rules ok
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