Monday, August 25, 2008


Did you remember, Maggie, the poor that lived just down the road?
Did you remember what got YOU to that Chemistry bench at Oxbridge?
No, no, of course you did not.
You did it YOUR WAY.

" And now, the end is near and so I face the final curtain.
My friend. I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case of which I'm certain .........."
I did it demented.


anticant said...

Unlike some of my harder-hearted Leftie friends, who say they would spit in her face given the chance, I felt saddened when I saw the erstwhile Iron Lady in a restaurant a few weeks ago. She looked frail and bewildered, and was being escorted along by her companions like the Fighting Temeraire being towed to its last berth by tugs.

The trouble with her was that she was demented before she had dementia. Too strong-willed for her own good. Like Violet-Elizabeth Bott, she thought she could always get her own way by screaming and screaming until the rest of us were sick.

I rate her as a tragic figure - because [unlike most of today's politicos] she did at least have guts and wasn't afraid to do something if she thought it right, even if it was unpopular. The pity was that it was quite often the wrong thing: the poll tax proved to be her downfall.

zola a social thing said...

Anticant : as always you will come out on the side of the underdog.
But Maggie T was a bad bitch and had no memory of what allowed her to get where she claimed she really was - as it were.
She destroyed ( no doubt she was a product of her time), she destroyed so many. She was a destructive bitch.

But I can calm down because she came to the rescue of her good son, Mark, when he was trying to carry on this NEW family tradition.

But I cannot do business with any of them.

Anonymous said...

Zola you are a heartless fool in a soul-less world.
Your past Prime Minister had the courage of her convictions.

anticant said...

The inimitable Leo Abse wrote one of his oddball psychobiographies about her - "Margaret Daughter of Beatrice". Rather a hoot, with some of his usual shrewd insights marred by his customary over-egging of the Freudian pudding.

I don't see her as an underdog. She married a millionaire and with the help of his money got to where no other woman had been before. Even if she's lost her marbles, her cash is secure. And I don't think she should have a State funeral - what an absurd typically diversionary New Labour suggestion. She wasn't a Churchill, even if she and now Dubya do love to prattle on about "Winston". She wouldn't have lasted long in HIS cabinet.

But in human terms, I regard all senile decay as pathetic. "There but for the Grace of God...."

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