Both wine and bread at confirmation were fake and this small site might just attract others that experienced the same. Critical voices? Those that participate? Who knows. For those that find sympathy with a walk on the wild sides of life, mountains, rivers or forests but do not pretend to escape. Other bits and pieces the news and also odds and sods that cry out "leave it off mate". Justly a lark and maybe the lark. But the lark will often land on the cactus.
Is it a postcard from Southwold?
It looks a fancy bathroom tile.
Disrespect is everywhere today.
Whatever happened to deference?
Anyway it is that eclipse so there and ... just wait until I post me next pic.
Get you back I will.
Take care Zola with your antique instamatic. You have been lucky this far.
Antique instamatic? You mean those DIY Pornoroid cameras? Merkin was no doubt doing his Japaneseing with such a device way, way back.
In all deference, Zola, can we have a clue? Has it got something to do with Hazel Blears? I've a strong feeling it has. If I squint I can see her face in the clouds.
I don't want to see Hazel Blears's face anywhere, whether I squint or not.
It is the beer gut of Pressi.
What on earth is wrong wid you lot?
I can just make a Merkin at the right side - blowing in the wind.
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