Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Seb Coe, who used to run around in circles to get famous, was talking recently to sound byte Blair and bind-bond Brown. The full text of this conversation has been put into wraps by a court judgement. However a few remaining bits and pieces remain to be published for peons to read.

Seb Coe : " Too many people are after me. They do not trust me anymore".
Bind-Bond-Brown : "Keep your head me laddie. Solidarity is the key here and nobody votes anyway so you are safe with us."
Seb Coe : " But people are saying that my work is hurting people and taking away the financial support for community sports and arts."
Sound Byte Blair : " Let them sow and reap and sell their harvests themselves. Give them freedom of choice. We need more high fliers unzipped. Government money must never be wasted on the public or the society. As my mother used to say : the public society does not exist.

Seb Coe begins jogging around and around the track.
Then he is inspired.
He will take his next job as the International Coordinator for the Afghan zones of influence. His head spins with an almost spiritual glee.
He tells this all to Brown.
Brown replies : " Sorry I already have that myself and booked up for 2009. Ask Toni.
So Seb asked Toni...............................................


Anonymous said...

Zola : this is one of your worst posts ( and there have been many quite bad already).
Just admit you have made a hash of this one.
Just admit it.
Move on before you get to be an antique.

zola a social thing said...

I admit it.
I have just joined up for a cookery class.
A high class too, it is said.

anticant said...

Nigella? Or the Ramsay fella?

zola a social thing said...

Nigella, of course.
Curves ok.
Shame about her men though.

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