Sunday, January 27, 2008

The trend since the 1800s, or before, has been global.
Today the moral panic is "looting".
Even the Bruscaa-Bruiser-land, Aussi risings, complain about looters.
I might find more affinity with the social bandits than I do with the "City" or with those that prefer to link "individual problems" with market losses and glosses.
How is it that James Bond is still so popular?

Anyway : who are the looters? May we ask?


zola a social thing said...

I must say sori for this post.
I have been away.
I return.
Nothing much has changed.
Theft is everywhere.
Those that define theft as criminal remain defining moral panics.
Those that define this theft profit from just that.
Soon the Vatican will make Nick Leeson a Saint.
Trust me.

Merkin said...

Will Tony Blair become God after he finds Maddy?

zola a social thing said...

When will we finally clear the Highlands we ask.

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