Monday, January 21, 2008

a) Buying a kebab in Pekham at night
b) Eating a kebab in Pekham
c) ........... ( answers before Tuesday please )

Appropriate winners and losers will be noted on this site.


Anonymous said...

I don't frequent places like Peckham so I can only guess at the kebabs and those that buy them at night. Just sounds weird to me.
But my last act of courage was to gather all the plastic from the Lady Di flower shows at her death celebrations and then to recycle them for my own profit.

zola a social thing said...

Bewarewolf - you are such a tease. Deserve a good ducking you do.

Anonymouse : The last act of courage for you would be the first. Get a name.

Anonymous said...

I do. They're much better here than in the UK.

My greatest act of courage was standing stock still at a bus stop in Prague while some freak of a truck driver waved a pistol at me and my friends. I'm pretty sure he'd have popped me if I started running, which was what I really wanted to do.

Merkin said...

I went to a rent party in Peckham.
Had the address, that was all.
Found the biggest, blackest guy on the bus to sit next to and he saw me right.
Got to Peckham and still didn't know where I was going so i went to the taxi shop. Managed to get 'someone to speak to me through the grill.
'Where ya wanna go?'
Gave him the address.
'Where the fuck is that?'
Dunno, thatz why I am here.
'waddya mean ya want a taxi and you don't know where ya wanna go?'
Eventually, through the dope he started to understand and dragged a driver out of the back shop.
We drove aimlessly around Peckham for a while until he finally stopped a black hack and got directions.
I heard the music and said 'here's fine'.
I went into the place.
Needless to say it was the wrong place.
I breezed past the security guards with my carry out.
They said ' you can't bring glass in here'.
I said 'I come fae Glesca'
They let me in.
Stayed an hour or so and realised that I was not dressed the same as everyone else. Bad sign.
Everyone was wearing sado-maso gear except me.
Turned out I was in the wrong place.
By mistake, I had gone to the Flim-Flam Club on rubber night.
I left and apologised to the bouncers.
Got to the real party - just as they were burning part of the porch to make a barbecue.
Such are the delights of Peckham.
'Our Jackie' would have had a ball.
In fact, maybe that is who I shagged that night.
Rings a bell.
Jeez-O, and she wanted extra sauce and I refused.
The World is suddenly getting smaller and smaller.

Next installment : Letter from Cuba

zola a social thing said...

After much consideration the winner here, for the most couareous act, must be a certain Jackie MP right on. To be shagged by the wicked Merkin is something to be.

The loser? Must be LavenderBlue for missing out on all this and more and kebabs in Poland.

zola a social thing said...

Szwagiman : You really must stop wearing velvet in public.

Anonymous said...

If I could I would moderate you.
You are a prat.

zola a social thing said...

Gaytoy : If I could moderarte, you could clone me as your very own. Do well that way you might.

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