Sunday, November 26, 2006


The kettle has called the pot black. Toby (jugular) Lewis, the sword of reason, has accused me of getting philosophical. Me? The flicker of ink spots?

But the shit has hit the fan and I am plastered. So I take up the challenge. The sword will not slip from my hand until I have done me bit for Sunday and nasty Heidegger. Who? The Marburg chappie called Martin born in 1889 and German. He demanded that we "Take Care". To take care of Being! But this was a sword with two cutting edges. First we needed to take care as in be careful and as in a great refusal to be in idle servitude. Thats it you got it. Do not agree with everything you read or hear especially from any kind of power elite. Take care.

The second sense of this taking care was more to do with looking after. To take care of the garden or to well cultivate or preserve or conserve that which is our home. Rather ecological I guess. Take care of Being.

With this simple guide to Being it is easy to evaluate the present political and business elites. It is clear that any kind of well-being is a dead duck. That is about as philosophical as I will be today. It's Sunday god damn it. Am I still plastered Toby?


toby lewis said...

Zola this is a very good summary of an optimistic reading of Heidegger. How I wish Being and Time were so easy to understand as this. It sounds like your being plastered has aided your as always colourful expression.

Anonymous said...

just trying to see if I can get into you........
If I can........Hugs to you..if I can't ,expect hurt email.xx

zola a social thing said...

Hello Toby : Most of big nasty H is impossible to read for most of us I think. But always opitimistic and ...

LB : It should be ok. Hope I get hugs and not angrey young women.

Anonymous said...

This bear of little brain does not understand philosophy.

It's a crossword puzzle with half the clues missing. This, however, I can understand.

It's easy to criticise business and political elites, but we're the ones who keep them elite. When you evaluate 'them', you evaluate 'us'. THere's no distinction in that sense.

zola a social thing said...

I agree with you Szwagi.
Trouble is those damned structures which have a nasty knack of limiting personal activism.
History also makes us and you and I.

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