Sunday, March 04, 2007


Newspapers are full of favourite things. Let me give them five of me own :-

1) Enjoying the "new age" of blogs where the word and the image and the stage gives hope for a new Proscenium Stage of communication with folk. Fuck the provider and the customer relation. Two cheers for the bloggers.
2) Enjoying the Phoenix-status of the word through blogs. So much better and often deeper than the mere TV screen ear and eye soap.
3) Enjoying the UK and the USA slowly finding feet in the mud of guilt.
4) Enjoying the laughs as politicians make websites and blogs. Spider laughs they are, they are, as bloggers fly.
5) Enjoying reading again the " Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner".

I was born an A Hairy Arse in early February.


Anonymous said...

Zola- do you run?
If so, you might find this an interesting read.....

zola a social thing said...

Awful question Ranger.
It is a bit like asking if I fuck or can I fuck today.
Do I?

But I do recall running down mountain sides and sensing even the small and the insects beneath my feet and avoiding them.
That was concentration, I guess.

Running down a mountain side with a rucksack on the back is one good thing to do.
What were once "things" come alive.

But I run today little unless my missus is angry or the bank is after me or Anticant sets that bad Beadle upon me.

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