Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Have You Ever Made Notes On The Margins and then forgot the idea ?

Came up against a page of a book yesterday. In the margins was a comment in ".."s and written there to remind me to check this out so that my memory could be verified. The quote in the margins was :-
" Religion never has you faltering
In the belief that you not they need altering "

Now I cannot find where I got that quote from damit !
But I still like it.


Anonymous said...

Don't know who the original Socialist poet was, but the line was referred to in this essay :

zola a social thing said...

Thanks Anon : Indeed sounds a bit socialist in many ways although I love the twist in it.
Real socialist stuff is always full of wonderful contradictions don't you think.

anticant said...

So are real socialists [if there are still any left].

trousers said...

I'm sure there's one or two socialists still on the left.

zola a social thing said...

I am constantly amazed at how the so called "democratic" majority votes against their own real interests. But as ole De-Toc said this is all a kind of dictatorship ideology anyway.
Even our Anticant might agree with that even if he refuses to act on it.

anticant said...

As a matter of fact, Zola, I had to vote yesterday in a council by-election. A difficult choice, for once. In the end, I voted for the candidate with the best chance of keeping the candidates I didn't want to win out, instead of for the candidate I would really have liked to win.

That's the beauty of our unjust FPTP system - tactical voting overrules ones actual preference nearly every time.

zola a social thing said...

yet another aspect of that "Prisoners Dilemma" methinks with a smile.
BTW : All systems are unjust in the end and irrational so beware - and you a naughty anarchist at heart gets worse each year and soon you WILL SEE the socialist wisdom - keep on.

anticant said...

I am an 'anarchist-but' [like I am most everything else-but].

The 'but' bit is because I don't believe everyone would voluntarily drive on the left if it weren't mandatory.

The less compulsion the more personal responsibility, say I.

Sorry, though - I am a socialist anything-but.

zola a social thing said...

Tell that to Wicked Willy i say.

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