Friday, May 23, 2008

Everybody, it seems, wants to abort me.
Perhaps I go to Scotland for a couple of days on a kind of bank holiday and with the insurance companies holidays and the other holidays that people enjoy.
Yes! That is what I will do.
Maybe things will be different then.
I might also think about my religious views again.
Maybe I think about Green and White Knights returning.
Maybe I think about Catholicism and the left-behinds.


Anonymous said...

I watched the Celtic game last night in a local howff owned by a rabid supporter.
He bought everyone a drink at the end.
They thought I was strange because I was reading a book in the almost deserted lounge bar.
They thought I was even stranger when I told them I must leave early to watch Question Time.

One hundred yards away an equally rabid Blue howff owner was showing both games in the bar.
Self-preservation had told me not to even think about watching it there.

Life in the village.

zola a social thing said...

Merkiboy : Oh how many times has a book been my saviour. Many times, yes.
Oh how many times have words been my saviour. Many times, oh yes.
Yet I seem to feel that those books and words helped cause me troubles.

BTW : I was thinking before about the "old" Glencoe that really mattered in the 1960s??????????

No more books for Merkin I say !

Anonymous said...

You think about "the left behinds"?
Indecent, but,.... Maybe you have a point.

zola a social thing said...

I disagree with everything that has been said.

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