Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The best place to be, when in Utsjöki, was by the bus station around 4. The bus, a kind of post bus cum "people-carrier", carried the spirituals. Drinks were forbidden in Utsjöki and were not for sale unless you went to the one and only hotel called "An Arm and a Leg".
After meeting the bus and getting spiritual I remember something about reindeers and round-ups and a January festival of life and death.
I remember the blood on the snow everywhere.
Do you need a photograph?


anticant said...

No photos of blood on the snow, please!

zola a social thing said...

OK Anticant : I only asked becuase some folk seem to need a bloody photograph of death to understand what it is all about.
You know the visual culture and all that......
But, of course, many people today get blindfolded even for the simple things.
No matter I shall abort this "idea".

anticant said...

If you were following the ludicrous thread on 'Liberal Conspiracy', you will recall that I was accused of hypocrisy for objecting to abortion on demand while conniving with killing animals for food or pleasure.

Dragging in totally irrelevant red herrings is of course a favourite tactic of unscrupulous debaters who don't want to address the point at issue.

I don't understand why vegetarians consider themselves so virtuous, because so far as I am aware there is no conclusive research showing that vegetables don't feel pain when they are sliced up and boiled.

However, I shall continue to enjoy my spinach.

zola a social thing said...

I know a few vegetables that will feel pain in the next few months.

anticant said...

Well perhaps they will receive a consoling word or two from Prince Charles.

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