Monday, May 19, 2008

As a fairly yet normal silly lad I climbed once. Then I knew that I was going to fall. I fell. I landed. I cannot forget. That was significant. I began to know that my boy-toy has consequences. I climbed and fell.

Moments of Being are like that.

Those times that you do and have done things, you know, when now, when now, it all seems different.

The damned good things here are that "Significant Moments" are also very positive too.
Have you ever had a "significant moment" by saying NO ?
I have.


anticant said...

Yes. I said 'No' to my parents when, after I left university, they wanted me to live at home for three years and be articled to a solicitor or an accountant.

I knew I wanted to leave home and work as a journalist, which I did.

I owed them a great deal, because they had paid for every penny of my expensive education, but I have never regretted doing what I knew to be the right thing from both a professional and personal point of view.

trousers said...

It's always a significant moment when I say no!

Anonymous said...

When playing with my boytoy - I can never say no - it is often, I find, less a moment of being, more a moment of becoming.

zola a social thing said...

Well I am satisfied. At least this kept you all off the streets.
Oh this wonderful web.

Anonymous said...

I usually say, 'Yes, bring it on'.

zola a social thing said...

Shame about Rangers me ole merk but I hope you have got over it.

Merkin said...

I was supporting them until I phoned a friend of the family who said 'We were across the water coz my son was doing the Apprentice March in Glasgow'.
Nuff said.
PS they were not talking about the apprentice abortionist march either.

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