Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Just what Karl Marx said about the relationship between the law of the land and the power-elite?


Merkin said...

My Good Friend Wiki told me :

'Karl Marx argued that the law is the mechanism by which one social class, usually referred to as the "ruling class", keeps all the other classes in a disadvantaged position.'

I agree.

Anonymous said...

Does this apply to a certain Formula One chief?
If you vote on this no whips.

zola a social thing said...

I do hope that this does not get too silly.
Have faith, have faith in Gawdi Brron and his healer.

Anonymous said...

Big debate in Marxology about the relation of the state to the economy and what Marx really, really meant. He was inconsistent on the matter, in truth.

What he would really, really think about the likes of Ronaldo and Beckham, how these super-rich working class lads would fit into his categories, heaven only knows. Oops. There is no heaven.

Anonymous said...

What he said was "On your Marx, get rich, whither away?"

If you think this is too silly, Zola, it's your own fault - you started it!

btw, anonymous, who knows what oneself - let alone anyone else - really, really thinks about anything? Old Karl and I never did - we just enjoyed telling everybody else what they should think.

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