Friday, June 20, 2008

As midsummer arrives and the Finnish festivals begin I cannot say too much or too little. Good morning to football fans and good morning to creative political careerists.
Well that is about it right now - off to re-join the party.


Merkin said...

Midsummer? Halcyon Days.

I remember visiting Pollok Free State during the motorway protests in the nineties. There was a 'peace camp' with some tree houses and a few tinker-type benders set up.
We had a coupla sausages on the camp fire and a mug of tea and some wine - maybe even a few puffs (but I don't remember). Someone started playing bongos and a girl had finger symbols. Then a guy started playing flute in the darkness.
I looked through the trees at some girls who were dancing, and on the plain behind them, I swear, I saw a gnome chuckling at our little festival.

PS I still have my Passport for Pollok Free State and would have no problems doing forty two days in that place of beauty while sharing DNA with the females of that location.

Is that hypocrisy?

Merkin said...

PS I am heading back to school in Massachusets.

Anonymous said...

Just chuckling

Merkin said...

I am chuckling, too, at the use of symbols for cymbals.
Must have been steamed.

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