Hemingway wrote as if he always felt the tip of the iceberg was enough to be seen. The readers imagination and knowledge would do the rest.
His 4th wife, Mary Welsh Hemingway wrote a very kind and diplomatic book about their lives together. It was called " How It Was". It was Mary that called this top of the iceberg Hemingway "dandy".
The works of Hemingway deserve to be re-visited yet again as there was, as he said in his Nobel Prize winning speech, more to him that meets the eye.
This is not quality journalism.
To publish this kind of thing you should pay.
I have heard of the bed snake but never of the bath snake.
I should hope there's more to all of us than meets the eye.
Transparency is very dull.
Mystique is an essential component of great authors such as Hemingway and myself.
And, there was me thinking that matters Norwich and 7-up would be to the fore and all we can see is a picture of a young Iggy Pop.
Disgusted, Tonbridge, in Kent.
Fruck moi.
There is a Merkin trying to get me goat up agin.
Yeovil football club play as good a football as Scotland you know.
4 - 0.
Now rub that into your ankles after I have been biting them.
Oink Oink.
As for the mysterious Antiprank it seems that a slight suspicion of jealosy is displayed there.
As for the others...? ... well what did you expect from the Bliarite education, education, education.
Well, I watched the dismal Scotland team at a local hostelry.
Best quip of the night was ; 'you think we've got it bad, spare a thought for the poor fans over there paying 7 quid a pint as well'.
Jealous? Moi? No, I don't dig all that faux macho pose of Hemingway's, insightful though he is about bullfighting and cognate matters.
What was the saying?
'Go back and teach'em'
I don't know why So-So allows these amators on these boards.
No, no, no.
It was "Put it up'em" if i remember well enough to survive another day.
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