Here here Kitty Kitty.
But please no catty politics today.
Both wine and bread at confirmation were fake and this small site might just attract others that experienced the same. Critical voices? Those that participate? Who knows. For those that find sympathy with a walk on the wild sides of life, mountains, rivers or forests but do not pretend to escape. Other bits and pieces the news and also odds and sods that cry out "leave it off mate". Justly a lark and maybe the lark. But the lark will often land on the cactus.
I have always found it educational to live with cats.
Yeh...we are NOW being slanged & shoved in & out of divers alliances here in the Minnesota Southern (County) Tier by five (!) of the Furry Little SOBs. (The rest abide in the barn and prosecute their vendettas in relative anonymity -- but, be assured, /all/ are on the wookean version of the F[eline]HS.) I guess I wouldn't have it any other way, eh?
Well Branded Blair Aid : What can I say more. But Cherie was sooo jealous of Mr Madelson you know.
Hello me Body Wookie Spocky : I am so sorry if I trangressed the moral borders of furry like SOBs but as this Mr Mandelson has clawed his way into the sofa politics, upset Scottish Bravehearts and stuck on up poor old Obama - well - I cannot take all the blame for this stench of Kitty Litter everywhere.
He's the spitting image of our Tiggy - who I'm sure could run the country better than NuLabour do. All he would require is an endless supply of small rodents such as the one he deposited in our kitchen this morning.
Nice one me Anticant.
Trust you to be the diplomat in all this.
In fact our little cat is 12 years old now even if she does not look 12.
But she would refuse Mr M to get anywhere near here.
She is a "Leftie" with wisdom.
I was finally put off Henry James - who I've always sensed as being creepy as well as pretentious and unreadable - by discovering that he disliked cats and their caterwauling so much that he actually once murdered one in his garden. He was always going on about kindness and compassion in human relationships, but evidently didn't extend it to animals.
Another repulsive literary specimen was L. P. Hartley ("The past is another country. They do things differently there."). He once murdered a swan - a capital offence, I should have thought, as they belong to the Crown. He also conrived to be miserable in Venice, which seems to me a contradiction in terms.
Ernest Hemingway loved cats.
No joke here.
But did cats love Hemingway? They usually have a good instinct for the ersatz.
You'll be telling us next that General "Blood and Guts" Patton loved cats.
And no doubt Hitler had a pet lemur.
This is interesting.
What does our Anticant have against the poor Lemur?
It might take a few sessions on the sofa to get to the truth of this matter.
A few sesions on the sofa with Zola?
The mind boggles....
It will it will.
Off the couch, you lot...The Cats want their naps!
Henry James, eh...the dirty sonofabitch!
To the Right Honourable Wook :-
Surely it is Ms Gertrude Stein that is involved in all this?
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