Monday, August 10, 2009


I have never ever blogged to make money out of any person.

I blog "just for the fun of it".

If that is postmodern then so be it.


anticant said...

Oh dear, what's happened to your lovely picture of Archimedes in the bath?

epimenides said...

I wouldn't dream of calling you a Cretan. So please don't set me alight.

une belle parisienne said...

I'm just a postmodern girl of the postmodern kind, so sophisticated that it nearly blows my mind

I want Derrida for lunch and Barthes for tea - Sartre and Sagan are far too old hat for me

I want a salon that shines with umpteen postmodern finds and a Zola to crown my tree.

zola a social thing said...

Me original post was firmly met with a rather direct protest.
I therefore sent it away to cyberspace hoping that peace might be restored.

Zola was well and truly taken to the cleaners yesterday.

anticant said...

So you got an ASBO?

Mrs Zola rules OK?

just an old fashioned pragmatist said...

It's all this postmodernist twat you stuff your head with. You end up not knowing the difference between Harriet Harman and a pickled onion.

puzzled of peckham said...

What IS the difference between Harriet Harman and a pickled onion? They both put the wind up you.

zola a social thing said...

Leave it off Mate.
I am in pain.

anticant said...

Get well soon, dear Zola, and cheer up. You know we love you.

zola a social thing said...

Arr rite I'll give you another nice picture soon.

This time it will be one I will not get taken to the cleaners for the capitalistic copyright mighters.

CompereTheMeerkaat.Com said...

I can send you some links to a few sites that will find some nice pictures for you.

In the meantime, I am going to bed with my prophylactic for Swine flu.

(Any excuse, I know).

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