Friday, July 27, 2007

As more and more political leaders have come under the spells of that nasty weed which provokes psychotic words and deeds we live in fear.
Cannabis on the National Health "Service" I say. Then we all understand together in a democracy.
Did I write that?


anticant said...

Self-control would help, but the English are woefully deficient in it.

zola a social thing said...

Fair enough LaviB - you have warned me away from the wicked new-weed. I shall just have to find something else I guess.
Anticant : nice idea but first I need to know what this "self" really is. So far it seems a bogus concept in the main.

BTW : I clearly failed in my attempt at humour and politcial democracy. I try again.....

anticant said...

I agree that one's self is largely a dubious assumption and a bogus concept.

I do accept the notion of free will and personal responsibility, though. The alternative - predestination - is a cop-out. 'Ice' Berlin once said that we can't prove the objective existence of free,will, but we all in fact behave as if it exists.

Long ago, a wise friend said: "There are four selves. There is the self I know and you know. There is the self I know and you don't, because I hide it from you. There is the self you know and I don't, because when you try to tell me about it I get angry; and there is the self neither of us knows".

Our wise rustic philosopher Wook says some profound things about the Self in various corners of his lovely blog.

There! That'l larn you for making jokes about serious substances such as weed, dope, and so-on.

No pot in the Burrow, please. We can't stand the smell, and Wooffie becomes even more dreamy and unable to walk in a straight line.....

zola a social thing said...

I shall go and sit on me potty so there.
Need a place to tink.

zola a social thing said...

Shit where did I put me potty?
Nevermind off to the garden shed instead.

Anonymous said...

I'd be careful,ZoZoBear..the mad welder is lurking somewhere.

zola a social thing said...

Hello LavenderBlue : No sign of that tick-tacky menace yet. But I am in deep thoughts about "self" and shit and weed and all that.
Went into the corner and asked myself as an introvert if it would be best to piss in me pants.
Came away, thinking i was more of an extrovert, and asked myself if I should go and shit in the road.
All very confusing.
I blame the wicked weed I do.
Maybe i do all of those and more.

Can I get an ASBO for this?

Anonymous said...

Oh no,ZoZoBear....
Just register as an 'Adult Baby'...

anticant said...

There's a nice story in the 'Diana' book I've just been reading about her grandfather, Earl Spencer, who was a martinet and bullied his family and servants. He once stopped his Rolls-Royce somewhere on the A40 and ordered his chauffeur to wait while he relieved himself against a tree. It was a windy day, and the car door blew shut while his lordship was still 'in process'. The chauffeur, assuming that his master had re-entered the car, drove off leaving the belted but unbuttoned Earl gesticulating wildly at the roadside.

zola a social thing said...

A trunk road methinks

zola a social thing said...

Read the Telegraph today for reasons of why my attempted humour was important.

Anonymous said...

The Telegraph: Skunk for the middle classes.

To be used in very small quantities. Can induce narcosis or hallucinogenic stupor. The latter may often involve a certain creature known as the Hefferlump. Should any of the above symptoms occur, stop taking it immediately and consult your physician.

zola a social thing said...

Oh well back to opium I guess.
bring back romance and poetry in the UK I say.

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