Monday, July 16, 2007

Finland has only one Nobel Prize winner for Literature. Sillanpää.
He wrote about the ways that everyday folk got fooled and tricked by those that were in power stations and promotional game-plays.
What can be done?
Would the so-called Western "permission" be that which which is either Communism or Fascism deals?
Sillanpää, like Robert Frost, helped a poetic rationality to exist.
Elemental my dear.
Do we really have to fight again and again ?


zola a social thing said...

I suspect it will happen again this fighting.
I suspect that to "opt-out" will remain a crime.
The only thing left is to leave or to fight.
Such is choice today.
I just leave because I am a coward.
Most human folk do not need this kind of hassle but big business thrives upon it !!!
There you have it in a canoe-ti-sheel.

Merkin said...

I was even considering buying a crossbow and relocating to the land of hair shirts.
Bastards, the lot of them.

zola a social thing said...

In the year 2000 I was "told off" for putting on a message board a warning about new wars coming.
Today I shake my head and do the same in the hope that the word may sometimes prevent another lost life.

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