Monday, July 16, 2007

FINNISH HUMOUR : an example
I was reminded yesterday of a fairly long-lasting joke here in Finland. It concerns trousers and culture. Anyway damn the academic stuff let me get straight to the point in a Finland that is famous for having trousers worn so low down to the bum that the first stage of the moon is always seen to be rising.
So the Finnish joke is this :-

Question : Why do Finns wear braces.
Answer : To keep their trousers up.
Question : Why do Swedes have a head?
Answer : To stop their braces getting twisted.

Bom bom


anticant said...

Trousers and culture? Rings round the moon? Over to The Trouser Press.

zola a social thing said...

No sexual stuff here please.
By order of the Reform Movement.
WE have seen the light.

Merkin said...

I heard a lot of Finnish jokes when I was recording in Norway.
Once I am back on my own computer I will regale you with a quickie.

zola a social thing said...

Any jokes about Lapland are banned.
It hurts mt self-esteem.
But jokes about Norway then that would be something to look forward to.
Went to Oslo once.
I was aksed why.

Did you ever visit the "Leopard Club" in Bergen ( shit that could have been Oslo or even Statoilbanger). Anyway it was called then the Leopard Club.
When you came out during summer you did not know if it was day or night or even which f....g day it was.

Nice place Norway.

Anonymous said...

Trousers and culture? That'll be a happy day.

zola a social thing said...

Keep on Trousers I say.
To write is something.

Merkin said...

Played in Teatrekafeen Club in Bergen.
Didn't know what day of the week it was - never mind what time.

Merkin said...

Oooops, the joke, nearly forgot.
Finnish man is fishing.
And drinking.
And fishing.
And drinking.
And drinking.
And drinking.
Catches an eel.
And sticks it in his pocket.
And drinks and drinks and drinks.
Needs a pee.
He's so pissed this causes some difficulty.
By mistake, he unzips his pocket and pulls out the eel.
By my beard, he says.
I knew it was long.
I knew it was thick.
I knew it was slimy.
Jeezus, never realised it had brown eyes.
As told to me by the famous Cato Sanden himself.
Bergen, 1983.

Anonymous said...

No eels in the Burrow.

By Order

zola a social thing said...

Back to Grimsby happy land
I'm going to work me pocket
if I can.

Ging gang goolie............

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