Friday, January 19, 2007


Those in power or who think they are in power sometimes love to try and burn or even ban the bloggers. The blogs today, with the internet wilderness ways, take on a space that has never before been so powerful. Before, in history, the social movements and the protesters ( remember Trade Union folk or Chartists or ....) needed to meet in person and be physically "there together". Easy job for the officials and their spies to prevent this or even to turn the guns on those protesters. History has been like that. Today, with the blogs and the messy meshworks, that come with the internet, there is more freedom to protest. Shame that so many do not like this.

Protesters about world global trade profiteering through to human rights, from groups gathering ( via internet) in Canada or Sweden or ...... , meet and organise through the internet channels quite often. OK the spies are still there but the net allows a certain come in quick and get out quick freedom. This kind of freedom is not liked by those that will insist upon their power-elite status. This kind of freedom is not liked by those that believe in some abstract version of freedom or abstract version of responsibility.

Much and many on the blogs and internet sites are similar to the age old and still viable "SOCIAL BANDIT" environments. As the good Historian, E.J. Hobsbawn, wrote :-

" The point about the social bandits is that they are peasant outlaws whom the Lord and the State regard as criminals, but who remain within peasant society ... fighters for justice ...perhaps even leaders of liberation ... in any case ... to be supported. "

The power-elite are anxious long live the bloggers!!!


Anonymous said...

Zola are you getting ready for elections or what?

Anonymous said...

There is power in the blog.
A few months ago I wrote a story on Pikey's about the plight of the workers I was advising.
We got a result - soon after our Lavender sent a copy of the article to the Chief Executive of the organisation. Good enough for me.
I have just 'seen' a leaked copy of a Council document. Scandal in the offing. The Council has been forced to pay compensation to female workers who were previously discriminated against. Excellent.
They are also instituting a new grading system. Under this new system some of the front line workers are to have their wages reduced - for example, thirty quid a week less for a street sweeper.
Needless to say, those higherer grades on index linked salaries will be unaffected.
Doesn't take a genius to see that Peter is being robbed to pay Paul.
Merkin is on the case.

toby lewis said...

Interesting idea, Merkin. I'd simply assumed that such little stories might be ignored by the local paper and no-one pays much attention to what gets written in blogs. Perhaps my scepticism in my recent article was unjustified. I often think the numbers reading our blogs are too small and so my time would be better spent at Hyde Park speakers' corner.

Anonymous said...

In the particular case I referred to we were told quite explicitly that the blog had been effective.
Apparently, the Chief executive concerned blew a fuse and literally said 'Someone tell me what the fuck is going on here? - I want it sorted pronto'. And it was.
Lavender even got a letter of receipt from his office. And photo copies of the article were circulating amongst those of the workers who had no computer access.
The one to speak with is YD coz his site meter seems to be reasonably sophisticated.
I know from my direct marketing days that a reply rate of 2% for postal spam was considered good.
ie hits versus final sale figures are collated.
There must be some relevant material available showing figures for hits and referrals, etc on blogs. Just haven't particularly looked for it yet.

toby lewis said...

All bad publicity can be effective then. The key is to get the news stories out there. I'll pay a visit to the pond.

Anyway Zo, it seems I missed the postmodernist versus rationalists row. I'm definitely temperamentally on the side of the latter but as I've said to Anticant before, it is foolish to dismiss one style of thought even if much of it seems gibberish to the untrained eye.

Anonymous said...

It's a double-edged sword. Take two stories from today's news: Chinese bloggers rallied round, preventing Starbucks from opening up in the ancient city - Hooray! Yet on the other hand, more, yet more, anti-Goody bandwaggoning from everyone with an internet connection, seemingly; keeping this damned Big Bother story in all our faces. Boo!

Choose yer bandits with care?

Anonymous said...

I agree BWI - but any Company will tell you that if someone is satisfied with a product/service they tell on average 3 people. If dissatisfied they tell 5 times that. (something like).
I met the winners of Polish BB and Amazonki.
The guy was a very nice normal person.
I had a beer with the girl and she was so far up her own arse she would have been a contortionist of the first order.

Anonymous said...

Turned you down, did she ?
Maybe you should study under me.
I have a 100% success rate.

Anonymous said...

Did you say 'count'?
All that education and you can't even spell !!
(I know, it is an old Jewish joke)

anticant said...

I probably have the same StatsCounter as YD. Mine shows a good number of first-time visits, but relatively few returning ones, and these are mostly our familiar Awkward Squad gang and regular visitors. However, it's early days yet.

It's worth remembering that in the "Guardian" thread on blogging that lavenderblue drew our attention to in the burrow, Guido Fawkes, who runs a very successful political blog, remarks that when he started blogging a seasoned blogger advised him not to worry if he didn't get many comments, as you should write for the silent readers, of whom there are many. My stats seem to bear this out.

Anonymous said...

Re-Guido Fawkes.
Tyger has quite a lot to say about him........nothing good, I might add.
Worth a look.

Anonymous said...

Nothing good?.
That is interesting.
That is what we do.
Tell us more?.

Anonymous said...

Look it up for yourself.

zola a social thing said...

It is also interesting that many website bits of info or blogs do not need comment feedback.
The job is already done.
Those that know know and the message is received.
Some places work like this too.
Just like the sofa of PM Bliar?

anticant said...

The burrow Snug of Ancient Anticant is a much more interesting place to hang out than the sofa of PM Bliar, even if there are only [now stale] mince pies on offer and not peerages for cash.

What always puzzles me about the No. 10 sofa is how there is any room on it for another person when it is occupied by His Ineffability.

zola a social thing said...

I agree Anticant. Your burrow is not a PM Bliar sofa. Hope you did not think i meant that. I DID NOT.

If you did then i can only sing the song : .... guess you thought that song was about you ...". ( carol king i think, maybe wrong).

But that would be unthinkable, really because we like ole Anticant because of that inexpressable quality of being that emerges and enthuses so many.

I suspect that your PM Bliar and mine and many Awks is all together in tune.

zola a social thing said...

BTW : Your BRANDY mince pies will never get stale.
Brand(i)ed you are.

Anonymous said...

Don't belittle that sofa. Cash found down the back of it has kept the Labour Party going for years. Allegedly.

I feel one of those DFS Sofa adverts coming all over me. "This sofa can be yours, now. Nothing to pay until 2037. At well below the commercial rate of interest.'

zola a social thing said...

Nice one.

Anonymous said...

Can we expect LordBWI any minute soon?.
I also do a nice line in 'almost new' Bulgarian Virgins.
Either sex.

Anonymous said...

You contaminate all that your dirty mind and fingers touch.
The 'almost new' Bulgarian Virgins are all mine, remember.
It is time you 'cleaned up your act' as they say.
I can help you here.

Anonymous said...

That is exactly why they are 'almost new'.

zola a social thing said...

I'm just off to the sauna.

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