Saturday, January 13, 2007


Surfing around with Awks takes a toll. Last week our infamous Swagier over on the equally infamous "Pirates Lair" ( see links) mixed existential angst with the deep pessimism of Polish high society betwixt and between Catholicism and Capitalism. Then low and behold the usually "respectable" and " upright" Anticant ( see links) began using words like knickers and worse and even began to imply naughty sexual scenes behind the scenes. I was led to wonder just what the world was coming to. Was this blogosphere leading both the Szwagier and the Anticant into a wicked darkness? Then the Anticant began writing stuff about the military and recruitement in such a way that the "Great" in Britain was clearly lost forever even with the respectable and senior classes.
I began the day by staying in bed. The Szwagier had touched me. An existential moment was upon me I guess. Then the cat on the bed farted. Reason to get up and away I thought. So I asked myself about this existential stuff and the absurd army and navy lark. I went back to the writings of one Henri Barbuse :-
" Poor devil, said Tulacque. You see, said Paradis, we not only take em to get killed, but mess them about first ! "
There, now I feel better.


zola a social thing said...

The reference for Henri Barbuse is the book "Under Fire". Easy to find.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Sincere apologies. I didn't realise my momentary lapse of reason was contagious.

The thing with Polish poleiticking is that, on the whole, the country gets on without it. So it's possible to be deeply pessimistic about the political situation without it actually interfering with daily life to any great extent.

It's not that people don't care - they do - rather that they have lost all faith in politicians to do anything about their problems.

Fortunately, the Poles have a 200-year tradition of rulers who are too busy with their own little games to think about the general populace. The general populace thus take matters into its own hands and life goes on its normal route.

It does occasionally happen, as with the last general election, that voters believe there is a real opportunity for change. Mistakenly believe, as it turns out. Never mind, they'll know better next time.

anticant said...

"There, now I feel better."

Well I don't.

Anonymous said...

'Surfing with the Awks'.
Yet another great title for a punk album. Zola has missed his calling.
Slogan writer to the gentry, I'll be bound, in another existence.

zola a social thing said...

Szwgaiman and Antipant : You will feel better if you join the revolution.

Anon : a double edged compliment there methinks.

zola a social thing said...

Perhaps we might consider NOT fucking folk about first and NOT sending em out to get killed.
A small first step but a good one.
Do the first and maybe the second will be easier?

Complaints today about the decline of intelligent recruits for military?
Then let us promote a critical and democratic education for all.
Just another small step.

Small steps can work wonders.

Anonymous said...

Military Two-Step perhaps ?

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