Wednesday, January 17, 2007


It has been said and written in Corinthians 1-14.40 ( yes the Bible) :-
" Let all things be done decently and in order ".
We might imagine Toni Bliar organising his public investigations and fraud squad reports with just such a biblical justification.
But, after considerable reflection, I prefer to come down on the playgrounds that are a little rough and dirty. I prefer to skip and dance around with Martin Buber who wrote that : " Play is the exultation of the possible ."

Come on you gals and guys I cannot write about football all the time.


Anonymous said...

Maybe there is no football in the Bible but there is tennis to talk about.
After all, Moses seved the Courts of Pharoah.

Anonymous said...

'served' even. hic.

zola a social thing said...

Alright alright do a bit on tennis soon.
Suspect all you want is short skirts and .... a bit of a racket.
You are forgiven.
First service.

zola a social thing said...

Sori Andi : That might be hairy and muscle bulging thighs.
damn it maybe both of those.
Shit all this confusion just through tennis.

Anonymous said...

Organisation?. In the Home Office?.
Where I come from they say about Reid :
'That wee bachle couldnae run a Menodge'

zola a social thing said...

Translation needed for "Bachle".
nowt to do with Dionysus on a bender in a brothel is it?

Anonymous said...

Hairy with bulging eyes?.
Lavender, hope yer ears aren't burning.

Anonymous said...
'bachle' is 'a clumsy person' literally but in common usage is more like 'an annoying wee bastard'.
eg 'bachle' is what you call a 'bastard' when your grannie is listening.

zola a social thing said...

That Scots Dick : You have just given me new incentive to listen again to the Corries singing about WW1 ( cannot remember offhand the song title).
But listen to the Corries I will.
Strange how threads like these spark off things.
BTW would Brown be a bachle?
Parcel of rougues the lot of em.

Anonymous said...

What's to stop TB equally taking the po-mo path out of all of this mess, Zola?

"Hey, you modernists: decency and order are in the eye of the beholder. Let me break apart the chains of your earnestness; your so-called reality. Lighten up. I create reality. Be more playful, would you?"

You'd be stuck, Zola. That's what. Without some appeal to quaint notions of order and decency being more than merely subjective affairs, stuff imposed ultimately by power.

Think I'm kidding? Think back to what that neo-con aide of George Bush once said, addressing critics from the 'reality-based community.'

"That's not the way the world really works anymore. ... We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will — we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Stick that in Blair's mouth, addressing critics of his probity, and it don't sound like 'play' to me anymore.

zola a social thing said...

Butwhatif : Your words ring true and I can agree with you because I have always positioned myself where pomo is more than we merely think it is.
I take an approach akin to Raymond Williams where a "structure of feeling" is involved.
Also a critical hermeneutic does involve strutures of power.

However if there is any "learning" with blogland I suspect it comes through playful ways.

Anonymous said...

How distinctly Teutonic of the Bible to say something like that.

How about versions for other nations?

I'll start. Spanish: "Let all things be done maƱana"

Polish: (PiS version) "Let nothing be done unless we control it"

(LPR version) "Let all things be done in a Catholic style"

(SO version) *grunting sexual noises*

zola a social thing said...

Agricultural folk from East Anglia would say : if things do not change they will stay the same. Nothing to be done about it.

zola a social thing said...

Finns : We do it our way. And the Swedes cannot do it at all.

Anonymous said...

The British Way: "Let all things be done. Unless they embarrass us on the world stage. Or hinder arms deals."

The US Way: "Let all things be done. By us. For we are the indispensable nation."

The Venezuelan Way (Chavez version): Let all things be done, that piss off Uncle Sam.

The Swiss Way: "Let all things be done. Then rechecked twice. One can never be too careful."

The Scottish Way (SNP version): "Let all things be undone, ASAP."

The Swiss Way Mk II: "Let all things be done. But let us stay out of it."

The New German Way: "To prison with all those who deny the things let done."

Israeli Way: "Let us have twice as many things done, compared to our neighbours."

Palestinian Response: "Then let the striking out of one of eyes be done to us quickly."

zola a social thing said...

The Guardian Cif way : free comment for all so long as we edit it.

Anonymous said...

The Merkin way : 'in like Flynn'.

zola a social thing said...

Zola : just a lark landing upon cacti

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