Friday, January 12, 2007


Yesterday I enjoyed a wonderful 6 hours with postgraduate students. They worked my poor brain hard and just to "keep up" with younger students is a challenge. But I maybe have learnt a few things with them. Today I reflect.

At the end of those seminar-type meetings the main questions were something like a call for cooperation between generations. The call was also concerned with the basic questions of our time : "What is to be done"? And ; "What can we do together?"

Thinking about that, last night, just before sleep, I realised that I was paid for my work and those students, educating me, were paying.

Indeed what is to be done if we are to work well together!!!!!


Anonymous said...

When I was a postgraduate student, I spent considerably more than 6 hours with my colleagues. May I be frank? And just a little arrogant?

What they were capable of in comparison to undergrads was... not a great deal different. They were, for the most part, equally blinkered, equally ignorant, equally uncritical. Our respective first degrees had obviously taught 97% of us nothing about learning or about education, and this despite the fact that we were all experienced teachers. We all, with one exception, passed our MAs.

What am I to make of that?

Anonymous said...

A paper aeroplane, perhaps?.

zola a social thing said...

Yeps! OK.
The six hours i talked about was just yesterday and I blogged it before it became lost in the business of "other things". That was all.
I am with you in your thoughts and feelings - maybe more than you know.

But there are some teacher-student and student-teacher learning things that do work well. I am sure you know this as well, if not better than I.

I have played a role ( whatever that was) in helping "doctors" become Phds. The same kinds of questions arise.

So many Phd students ( that were successful) used to say that they wanted to get back to everyday language and talk.

I agreed and disagreed.

Sori for a serious response but there you have it and there it is.

zola a social thing said...

Bold Scot ? : Come fly with me come fly and fly again.
Like that I did.

zola a social thing said...

Hello Szwagi : Just realised that my response was still was way away from your points.

better said : I am an arrogant chap quite often and I need good company.

zola a social thing said...

Bold Scotty : Would you prefer Fire? Wind? Rain and water?
Remember that paper game you do.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the weather here is the foulest of the foul and, to stop me concentrating on the imminent departure of the roof, I am forced to imbibe some of that Scottish happy juice.
As WC Fields said :
'Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake.'

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