Friday, January 05, 2007


Whatever the reason trust and faith are two of the most popular issues today. From academia through to newspapers these two terms pop up everywhere. I had intended to write a little analysis of this pretence for a way away from crisis and capitalism but my bacon and eggs on the breakfast table gave me a different sense of a new day.
So this trust and faith issue has a time dimension ( other dimensions too, of course) and at breakfast time I thought that I do not trust most politicians because of my past experience with their lies and their guns and their lies. Trust demands a sense of past experience. I do not trust business dealers and wheelers from second hand car salemen though to female CEOs of major corporations. Experience forces me not to trust. But I do trust my family and I do trust my friends and I trust many due to my past. Trust in this sense is a thing to do with the past.
Faith? Maybe that is more attached to the future.
Faith is all that I can hope with if I am to be in any way active in the future.
Future games are based, rather much and necessarily, upon faith not trust.


Jose said...

Indeed, Zola, but sometimes faith and trust go arm in arm.

zola a social thing said...

Indeed Jose I agree.
Past and future are a bit like that too I guess.
I agree.
Any muddled thought on my behalf today must be blamed on the bacon and egg breakfast.
Put me in a too good mood it did.

anticant said...

What the Awkward Squad is about is trust-building. We need to feel comfortable [but not feather-bedded] with one another before we can mobilise our joint and several faiths and talents and move forward.

zola a social thing said...

I agree Anticant : Time is essential and so are mistakes and all that.
There are many AWKS I trust.
I still like to use that old saying concerning things that will come out in the wash.
Simple I know but, for me, wise.
But nowt happens without that clash between faith and trust through time and experience.
perhaps I should have phrased it that way - but me bacon and eggs put me off such phrases as they placed me in exotic worlds.
Damn I still smell that bacon....

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