Monday, January 01, 2007


During the Christmas and New Year our very own Anticant in his "Burrow" has been leading us all into sticky situations concerning his now infamous mince pies. Zola has been checking out the safety regulations for these suspicious little things especially when the wicked brandy is also an ingredient.
Thanks to the reliable news service of "Spiked" ( website article "Killjoy to the world") we learn that in the UK these brandy mince pies are a decided health risk. The Craven District Council insisted that warning posters be put up in one village where these infamous brandy mince pies were to be consumed by the unknowing public. The council went futher and demanded that a risk assessment be made concerning these pies and the public health.
In other words our very own Anticant has been neglecting our wellbeing.
Zola has informed the Beadle of the Parish, who, on hearing this, was less than amused. The Beadle is going to be after the goolies of Anticant unless this kind of behaviour is better controlled in the interests of the public. The Beadle said in no uncertain terms that Anticant has been "very naughty indeed".


anticant said...

They would, wouldn't they? Terrible spoilsports. An old school friend of mine [alas, no longer with us] owned and lived in a wonderful 17th century merchant's house called "The Folly" [four-poster beds an' all] in the middle of Settle. He was always at loggerheads with the local council over something or other. A narrow-minded lot; but stupendous country.

As for that Beadle, I'll be cutting his wages and seconding him back to the Bumble Work House if he doesn't look out.

anticant said...

Another mince pie, Vicar?

zola a social thing said...

Let that be a lesson to you.
Now we can return to the business of the day.

anticant said...

What business?

zola a social thing said...


Anonymous said...

Well now..I am all for a little mischief...........
and I don't even have a hangover..

zola a social thing said...

Shame on you too LB.
No hangover indeed.
Zola has spots still before the eyes.
But what a happening it was.
Richard Burton and Harris would have approved.

Anonymous said...

Ah, zola, you must have been mixing your drinks...

Should've done it Slavic-style ;o)
Half a litre of vodka for the New Year, and I feel better than new today.

anticant said...

ben trovato says: someone I knew once had a drunken [is there any other sort] Peter O'Toole as his minicab passenger. Quite an experience.

Anonymous said...

I come from the Dean Martin school of drinking (Sometimes).
'You can't really be drunk if you can still lie on that floor without having to hold on'.

anticant said...

What a lovely lady Juha is! A kind of Finnish Mary Robinson. Who would be her equivalent here? Hazel Blears? [Pass the sick bag, please, Beadle.]

zola a social thing said...

What day is it ?

zola a social thing said...

Good Morning Anticant : After a cold shower, shit, shave and ( and various other unmentionables)I may reply.

Your comments on "Juha". I guess they referred to Finnish president speech which totally goes against the Blair speech. If you meant this I agree.

But Juha is male not female.

zola a social thing said...

Who remembers Freddie Frinton?
Sorry for being unwell yesaterday giggle giggle hic hic.

anticant said...

Judging from the photo, Juha is either a sex-change or a transvestite. Quite a breakthrough for a head of state!

zola a social thing said...

Anticant : What have you been up to?
President Tarja Halonen is a woman and the photograph is of her.
The site is from Juha a male.
But you might be fooling me here ...
have i done my usual New year boobs again?

anticant said...

Zola, I know nothing about your boobs - usual, New Year, or otherwise. Are they falsies? A prezzie from lavenderblue maybe? Suzon will be jealous.....

zola a social thing said...

Anticant I do hope your cousins are not checking your movements.
You have a reputation to consider your know.

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