Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Jesus wept this stuff is becoming an institution.
Narcissus and Nasturtium es(t) spiritus dum fortussusssus.
Forte non superb-e-baywatch I say.
If I get involved in any more of these blogger awards and tugs and tags I will throw a wobbler and print picts of ME topless.
Could I pass a GSCE with that?
Could I become a A-Class Blogger ?

Bloggers are ok and I enjoy the real fray (when it appens) but all these blogger awards are just too much for a ZO-ZO-BEER to take.
Save me from getting pissed again on all this!!!!
Save ME pleezze!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe too late.....


zola a social thing said...

As the Sally-Army sings "Jesus Loves You". Do not fret. The time id Right.
Yes that was an ID.

Anonymous said...

Get Pissed ZoZoBear.............xx

zola a social thing said...

Half way there Lavender no fears.
Any company?

zola a social thing said...

Too late now It is too late now....

zola a social thing said...

It's Ole Rat now.

Merkin said...

Allo Allo Allo
Letsby Avenue
Too much riotous behaviour in Finland

Anonymous said...

And there I was, about to launch the blog awards for the very best of blog awards. Had it all planned and budgeted, with Sam Fox as the compere.

anticant said...

If you don't want to be tagged a 'thinking blogger', why do you describe yourself as "just a guy that tries to think"? Presumably the nomination means that you've succeeded - sometimes, anyway!

zola a social thing said...

I try to answer that Anticant. I TRY.
After a night on the tiles I return and say thanks for your kind version of reality. Yes THANKS to you. You know I respect you and give thanks to you.

But fuck these awards ( me mates used to buy their MA degrees from Oxbridge and that was not dumbing down?).

I like, even today, the music of Gordon Lightfoot and the films of a certain Swede now RIP. They refused awards. Oh if I could only touch those workers with art. If only.

But I am a mere blogger blogging day by day as me back hurts and me eyes get dim. Fill em up agin mate.

Damit soon I will receive the "Man of the Year" Award from the Chamber of Commerce. ( careful here think about it).

In fact my little ditty about "trying to think full time" on me blogsite came from Georg Lukacs. It was here that kept debating philosophical questions even when he was forced into the concentration camps. He demanded that we should all try to "think full time".

But I clearly upset a few folk yestrday.
Nature and God paid me back this morning so never mind.

anticant said...

Yes, this 'tagging' business is just a bit of harmless fun or a horrible bore, according to which way you look at it.

I tend to the latter view, but the "thinking blogger" thing seemed a bit different because the nominations come from individuals who want to pay you a public compliment and not from some bunch of stuffed shirts.

Either way, the effect of my 'tagging' you has made you soar to new heights of surrealism so I hereby declare you "The Most Goonish Blogger".

Satisfied, Major Bloodnok?

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