Saturday, August 18, 2007

James Taylor : a "Great Song Writer".
After a few hips and flicks, pricks and kicks, we learn that James Taylor was a good singer-songwriter.
This from his "trouble and strife" ( wife) Carly Simon.
Anticipation now gets a new meaning and ok for that.
The world keeps spinning around.

So close your eyes.... It's ok

Better sometimes to hear the music through your feet or your hands.
better to play.
Just play.


Merkin said...

Given the 'James Taylor Songbook' at age 13 and learnt everything note for note (including the accent)
The beginning of my problems with females, that was.
I still have a black vinyl of 'The Original Flying Machine' somewhere.

zola a social thing said...

And you can play this song
It's alright

zola a social thing said...

off to play I am.

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