FIRST PERFORMANCE SOON ( get yer subscriptions at the ready)
The Punch and Judy antidigital display warms up.
Apologies to Professor John Pulson from Southwold for any future anarchy. You must remember that the Southwold NuLabor Council does not contribute which means that they would find it difficult to sue. But Prof John Pulson deserves respect as a host of young children and I joined in this wonderful frolic of seaside delight.
To subscribe to this long awaited performance just :-
a) answer the question below well, and
b) send a e-cheque to anti-depress@Trousers.dottycom
The question is : Is Mr Punch a good role model for the young people of today?
Make that a BIG cheque to anti-depress@trousers.dottycom!
Just follow the rules and all will be ok.
thank you ZoZoBear.....
just going to bed but will be back later to enjoy you xx
Fabulous! I'm surprised Prof. Pulson hasn't been banned by the Health & Safety Executive - see 'Nanny Knows Best' blog.
Is Mister Punch the original Clunking Fist?
In which case he is a role model that teaches the Vicky Pollards of today that lying is the way to go.
Oh no he isn't!
But surely Mr Punch as displayed nicely on this post deserves more respect. Judy too seems to be quite in love with him.
Is Punch a good role model Children.
Or yes he is says Butwhatif.
Oh no he's not says Anticant. Too much of this anarchy already.
Mrs Malaprop goes downstairs to discuss tactics with Judy.
But who is looking after the baby we ask?
Merkin is!!!!!
I do hope this will not descend into stereotypical displays of a dung throwing competition.
Would you leave your baby with a Merkin? children tell us and shout out loud because we may need to wake the Beadle of the Parish if things go as planned.
Come on children shout out loud.... would you leave the baby with a Merkin?
............YES ( as Mrs Malaprop drooped down again into the lower regions of the house to meet Judy).
Give her a better bra we say.
Support poor Mrs Malprop children.
No drooping in the box please.
I wouldn't leave Merkin with the Bath Water.
Merkin Bath Water
Clinically proven to soothe more sore parts than Radox
Suspicions confimed.
Both the Merkin and LavenderBlue have sampled the bubbles in the waters of Bath.
And there was me thinking they were true working class heroes.
Bloody hell at this rate all Awks will admit to holidays in Harrogate and second homes in Suffolk!!!!
BTW : Thus far it seems that Merkin and LaviBlue are in some kind of "relationship". Partners in crime methinks. Is there a Punch and a Judy theme here anywhere folks?
Partners in Crime?
Are they local politicos?
Would Lavender really throw me out with the bathwater?
Poor show.
Merkin : "The Nottingham Judies have got you in tow".
He is the Judy.I AM the punch.
Unlike Zola, I do not droop - Brewers' variety or otherwise.
I troop. And if there is any attempt to leave me holding the baby, muskets will be at the ready.
Anticant used to live in Harrogate, and had a second home in Deal. The Royal Marines School of Music was there then, so there were lovely concerts.
No Punch and Judy show, though.
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